Simple Pleasures
Diego Rodriguez has a lovely post on his metacool blog about how an appreciation of good design is a continual source of pleasure and happiness — and one that can be found all around you, simply by taking the time to look. Via Haddock Blogs.
Five Ways Not to Waste Money On Food
Cookthink offers some delicious ideas on what to do with leftover fresh herbs, parmesan cheese rinds, wilted lettuce and other kitchen odds and ends. Rummaging in the fridge for dinner ideas just became so much more inspiring!
The 145 Year Overdue Library Book
And I thought I was bad about returning my library books! A book looted from a US library during the American civil war has finally been returned, almost 145 years overdue. The book, the first in WFP Napier's four-volume History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France – was returned by the current owner on the condition that he didn't have to pay the $52,858 fine. Sounds reasonable to me...
A beautiful, minimalist blog I discovered recently, with loads of gorgeous art and design.
The Life You Can Save
I'm intrigued about reading this after seeing The Morning News review for Peter Singer's new book, The Life You Can Save: Acting Now to End World Poverty. From Robert Birnbaum's review: "... Singer arrays ethical arguments, examples, case studies, and thought experiments to form a seven-point plan that blends personal philanthropy, local activism, and political awareness. The good professor has written a lucid and compelling call to action that convincingly argues how all of us can make a difference in the lives of others without reducing the quality of our own."
Pleated Purse Pattern
Sarah of My Spare Time is offering a free downloadable Pleated Purse pattern that's really cute — and I love the version made by Jessica of How About Orange, using fabric that she designed herself.
What Are Friends For? A Longer Life
Want better health? Recent studies have shown that we all have a powerful weapon that can help fight illness and depression, speed recovery, slow aging and prolong life: our friends. And, most interestingly, your friends don't have to be living nearby, either.
Victory Gardens — 21st Century Version
Conceived by San Francisco based artist and designer Amy Franceschini in the Fall of 2006, VG2008+ aims to support the transition of backyard, front yard, window boxes, rooftops and unused land into organic food production areas, Victory Gardens 2008+ derives its title from, and build on, the successful nationwide Victory Garden programs of WWI and WWII. Victory Gardens 2008+, however, redefines "Victory" in the pressing context of urban sustainability. Visit the website to find out more about creating (or joining) a Victory Garden initiative in your city. Via Design Observer.
Dining room photograph via Domino's Deco Files