Rules: Write 6 random things about myself, link the person who tagged you, post the rules. Tag six people and link them. Let them know they have been tagged.
1. I do the New York Times crossword puzzle every day.
2. I am terrible with plants. I constantly forget to water the poor things that grimly cling to life in front of my living room window. This does make me appreciate gardens, though, from a tiny pot of kitchen herbs to grand formal gardens (I especially love walking through the Jardin de Luxembourg when Andrew and I are in Paris).
3. I have an extensive lipstick wardrobe. Clothing — not so much (though if I had the budget for it I would).
4. I'm told I'm a good listener, which is fortunate as I'm a terrible conversationalist (I've always been extremely shy). I sincerely admire people who have mastered this fab social skill. This is also why I prefer to communicate with illustration clients by email rather than by phone.
5. I follow Buddhism, but not in any formal way. A bit of meditation, but mostly just being kind, compassionate and nonjudgmental towards others pretty much covers it.
6. I think fresh bread and chocolate are a match made in heaven. Needless to say, I love the classic French pain au chocolat...
I won't be tagging anyone for this as I've tagged other blogs before, but do check out some of the many wonderful blogs I've linked to on the right. I've done a couple of other tags in the past, too, which you can find by doing a blog label search on 'tag'.
(Beautiful photograph of a happy alternative to house plants is by the amazing Ngoc Minh Ngo)