2009 Reading List
The Guardian Books section checks out the new releases (fiction and nonfiction) scheduled for 2009. Lots of good reads to look forward to over the next few months!
Eartha Kitt: An Appreciation
Washington Post writer Wil Haygood fondly recalls a memorable lunch he had several years ago with the unforgettable Eartha Kitt, who passed away on Christmas Day. A quote: "Kitt was late — first 10 minutes, then 20. She may have been born poor, but she traveled through life with the blood of a true diva. So, of course, she'd be late. But I fretted she might have forgotten, or changed her mind. Then I noticed heads swiveling toward the entrance — and there stood Eartha Kitt, wearing a short, bone-white fur coat, white slacks and a canary yellow turban atop her head. She had a white poodle cupped in each arm." Now that's an entrance!
Drowned Worlds
The Fantastic Journal blog recently had a great post called Drowned Worlds, exploring our fascination with drowned villages such as the villages of Ashopton and Derwent, flooded to make way for the Ladybower reservoir in the Penines. Glimpses of these lost towns (apparently you can still see the submerged spires of Derwent and Gouron rising out of the water), have led to apocalyptic local folk tales about the dangers of technology. The photos are amazing, too. Via things magazine.
The Homies 2008
Apartment Therapy's Best Home Design Blog of 2008 now has its complete list of finalists, all outstanding blogs. Lots of great nominations, too — be sure to have a look! Incidentally, a lovely reader here nominated automatism, which was a completely unexpected honour. Thanks so much, whoever you are! :-)
Fashion Moments of 2008
WWD has a fun little slide show of 2008's most memorable fashion moments. Lots of interesting clothes, ideas, and more happened last year (and I can't believe I'm writing that already).
Kyoto's 1,000 Year Love Affair
Fascinating article by Michelle Green in the New York Times about Kyoto's millennial anniversary celebration of the Tale of Genji, Murasaki Shikibu’s classic episodic story of courtly love and loss. Shikibu was a lady-in-waiting at the imperial court, so it's a (fictionalized) first hand view of this long vanished world — and considered by some to be the world's first novel, too. There's a great slide show accompanying the article, too. This might be the perfect time to finally tackle reading that huge translation I picked up several years ago but have been too daunted by its sheer size to begin...
Fondly Seen
Lovely Jane of Ill Seen, Ill Said now has a great spot on Tumblr for random loveliness that catches her eye. Lots of inspiring places, things and ideas.
Favourite Typefaces of 2008
The wonderfully designed I Love Typography blog recently picked its fave typefaces released over the last year. Beautiful work that makes you want to design something — anything! — just so you can use it. Via Design Observer.
The beautiful photograph is by Guido Barbagelata, who has a truly stunning website portfolio. Via Desire to Inspire.