The Dog Photo Booth
This is pet photographer Sharon Montrose's pet project (so to speak), and it's utterly adorable. Via lovely Joanna of A Cup of Jo.
Return of the Packed Lunch
With the economy being as it is these days, more people are packing a lunch instead of eating out. The Guardian asks chefs, cookery writers and other food experts for ideas on how to make a brown bag lunch that's both easy and interesting.
Millie The Model Comics
The Learning to Share blog has a fun collection of vintage Millie The Model comics from the 1960s. Dig those crazy threads! Via things magazine.
50 Photographs by Jessica Lange
About 15 years ago Jessica Lange rediscovered one of her first loves — photography — when her partner Sam Shepard brought a Leica home from a movie set. She's been shooting ever since. This month will see the publication of 50 Photographs, her first book of photos, which, alongside more personal studies, documents Lange's extensive travels as both an actress and as a volunteer for charities in Russia and Africa.
What Is Art For?
Last April Daniel B. Smith of the New York Times invited scholar/writer/poet Lewis Hyde (best known as the author of The Gift, from 1983, which explores how to reconcile the value of creative work with the realities of economics) to take a trip with him to Walden Pond in Concord, Mass., where they discussed the ideas behind the book and how it applies today.
The Return of the Interview Suit
Thanks to a competitive job climate, dressing for success is a serious issue again. A look at what works and what doesn't, plus some great suggestions for everyday office wear, too.
Downloadable Party Invitations
Canadian House and Home Magazine offers its readers pretty downloadable party invitations, inspired by ones created by Montreal graphic designer Michelle Secondi. Via How About Orange.
Touching Strangers
Photographer Richard Renaldi discusses his project Touching Strangers, in which he asks complete strangers to pose together in a photograph, with the condition that they have some sort of physical contact with each other. Fascinating, and the resulting portraits are just amazing. Via Design For Mankind.
The lovely still life above was photographed by the incomparable Trine Thorsen.