What was once a tiny dull apartment has been transformed into a bright, pleasant living space with a surprising amount of storage. Owner Corinne Muller asked interior designer Marianne Pascal for a home that had light, openness and fluidity, despite only being 59 square metres in size. Marianne's solution was to create simple box partitions that would provide storage and privacy for personal spaces while leaving the rest of the apartment open. The result is a comfortable space that feels much larger than it actually is. Via Marie Claire Maison.
What was once a tiny dull apartment has been transformed into a bright, pleasant living space with a surprising amount of storage. Owner Corinne Muller asked interior designer Marianne Pascal for a home that had light, openness and fluidity, despite only being 59 square metres in size. Marianne's solution was to create simple box partitions that would provide storage and privacy for personal spaces while leaving the rest of the apartment open. The result is a comfortable space that feels much larger than it actually is. Via Marie Claire Maison.