- Martin Luther King Jr. addresses a crowd in Washington DC, 1965The population of CanadaThe population of the USALeft to right: Passengers on the Titanic; Survivors on the Titanic; Lifeguards who worked on the film Titanic; Stunt People in the sinking scene in the film TitanicIrish people who emigrated to the USA between 1846 and 1855
There's a fascinating touring exhibition on right now. Created by the Stan's Cafe Theatre Company, it's called Of All the People in All the World, and it uses 112 tonnes of rice to represent statistics about the entire population of our planet — one grain equals one person. Trying to picture large numbers is always the most difficult part when reading statistics, so this visual rendering really allows you to understand what these numbers mean in human terms. Have a look at the Flickr set for more from the show. Via the Creative Review blog.