David Bowie's Berlin
Sean Dodson of the Guardian gives a musical tour of Bowie's Berlin, where Bowie lived for three years in the 1970s and recorded his brilliant Berlin trilogy with Brian Eno.
Premiere Issues
A website devoted to the very first issue of any and all magazines, with new ones added regularly. Some fascinating finds.
Top 10 traditional Paris bars à vins
John Brunton selects the best venues in the city to enjoy quality wine, cheese and charcuterie in the time-honoured French way. Let's all go meet in one, 'k?
This Ain't No Disco (it's where we work)
Kim of Desire to Inspire recently posted about this website, and reading it I was so inspired that I just had to mention it as well. This Ain't No Disco is devoted to some of the best agency interiors in the world — it features amazing, creative spaces that'll have you radically rethinking that chipped desk and wobbly chair combo you're using at the office.
Five Ways to Trigger a Natural Disaster
The New Scientist looks at five natural disasters that were triggered by human actions. A sobering reminder of how our behavior, for better or worse, directly affects our environment. Via BLDGBLOG.
Beets Are the New Spinach
They're in season, amazingly good for you (very high in folate, manganese and potassium), and now you'll know an easy way to prepare them (roast them!), too. You can find a yummy related recipe for Mediterranean Beet and Yogurt Salad here.
Emdashes, The New Yorker Between the Lines
A great blog by Print magazine editor Emily Gordon, entirely devoted to the New Yorker past and present — plus related events, links, typeface sightings, and more. Via Design Observer.
The Cartoon Lounge
And speaking of the New Yorker, have a look at the Cartoon Lounge, described as "a guided tour inside the brains of New Yorker cartoonists." Interviews, sketches, inspiration, random meditations and some fairly bizarre ideas — it's all here.
The delicious tapas table was photographed by the amazing Jennifer Squires, whom I'll be posting about more extensively in a day or two... consider this a sneak preview...