Closets From Heaven
Lovely Joanna of A Cup of Jo has a great piece in New York Magazine this week about the amazing closets of six New Yorkers. Run over and have a look (and dream).
The Olympics of Illustration
Did you know that there is an official Olympics illustrator? For 2008 the U.S. Olympic Committee selected Mark T. Smith (whose clients include Rolling Stone, Absolut Vodka and Chrysler) to create a gallery of art for the posters and promotional materials for the Summer Games in Beijing.
An utterly charming little animated short about the travails of two little octopi in love, by students at the Gobelins l'Ecole de l'Image, a visual arts school in Paris. Via Cindy (thanks again!)
Wanted: People to Sign Books for Lazy Authors
Odd but true — a U.S. publisher recently posted an ad on Craigslist, looking for 14 part-time workers to convincingly scribble fake signatures for the two unnamed co-authors of a newly released (and also unknown) book. The pay works out to $25 (US) per 200 books signed. Ouch. Via arts journal.
Crafty Synergy
A great blog that features wonderful and inspiring interviews with a wide variety of artists. Guaranteed to get you fired up to do something new in the studio — or to just get out there and check out some art.
Ted Muehling: A Portrait
Benjamin Schwarz of The Atlantic reviews Ted Muehling: A Portrait, a new book about Muehling's exquisite jewelry design. Via Design Observer.
The Creative Personality
The Psychology Today site has an interesting extract from Creativity: The Work and Lives of 91 Eminent People, by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, in which he examines the 10 anitithetical traits that comprise the creative personality. Via The Morning News.
Space Art From the 1950s
A gallery of fun (and occasionally baffling — why does that gentleman need a spacesuit to move a couch?) space age advertising illustration from the 1950s. Via Plan59.
The lovely photograph above is by Kristin Perers. Via desire to inspire.