Communication Arts — Insights
The granddaddy of visual communication publications, CA's online version has a great ongoing series of short interviews with creative people — designers, photographers, illustrators, copywriters and more — talking about what inspires them.
Oldies But Goodies
Tim Hayward of The Guardian has a look at some of the classic cookbooks currently being reprinted for a new generation, and gives his recommendations for other old cookbooks that deserve to be rescued from obscurity.
Wooden Books
Domino Magazine's Rita Konig has a great writeup on her Daily Dose blog about the lovely wooden books by writer and illustrator Leanne Shapton. Wonderful idea — these would look great anywhere.
Satirical Maps of Europe
Fascinating vintage political cartoons dating from World War I, depicting the various European nations personified and fighting amongst themselves. Via Cindy (thanks!)
The Eamespunk Manifesto
Daniel Neville of the Nevolution blog takes the whole steampunk trend and gives it an Eames twist. Good clean fun for us design geeks.
The Rebel Knitter's Guide
A nice little selection of easy knitting patterns can be found here for such things as iPod covers, fingerless gloves, a takeout coffee cosy and more.
Everything That Happens Will Happen Today
Brian Eno and David Byrne recently collaborated on their second project together, 27 years after their groundbreaking 1981 work My Life in the Bush of Ghosts. The new album is called Everything That Happens Will Happen Today, and it promises to be just as stunning as the first one was. The official release date is August 18 — download it from the official website here.
Absurdist Art Headlines
You may have already seen this in the news this week, but if not... I think you'll be amused. Truth is often stranger (and funnier) than fiction...
Photo for Domino Magazine by Paul Costello, from the November 2006 issue