What's Your Decorating Personality?
The lovely Jane of the Ill Seen, Ill Said blog recently had a totally fun post featuring lots of quizzes, including this one. Go here to see the rest of her quiz-tastic finds. Thanks again, Jane!
Makeup and Make-believe
John Updike reviews the new book Max Factor: The Man Who Changed the Faces of the World by Fred E. Basten in this week's New Yorker.
Grain Edit
A great site that more than lives up to its subtitle: "(a) modern graphic design inspiration blog + vintage graphics resource." Via ffffound!
Dinosaurs at the Los Angeles History Museum
The Los Angeles Natural History Museum now has dinosaurs prowling along its corridors. A hybrid of puppet and robot, the dinosaurs were created by ERTH Visual and Physical. Extraordinary to watch. Via things magazine.
Joe Posnanski discusses various manifestations of pixifoods on his blog, which he defines as follows: Pixifood (PIKZ-ee-food), noun: Any food substance that is highly pleasant to the taste as a child and tastes shockingly unpleasant once you become an adult. I think everyone has had a pixifood experience or two... Via tastespotting.
Guess the Movie Letter
Part movie trivia, part design challenge — try to guess which letter (or font) was used in which movie poster. Quite tricky, actually. Via Design Observer.
Avedon's Entertainers
The New Yorker website has a sneak preview of photographs of entertainers by Richard Avedon, featured in this week's print edition.
Another great site devoted to the graphic arts. This one features fantastic design projects. There are a lot of seriously talented people out there...
The photograph above is by the wonderful Aimee Herring. Via Desire to Inspire (who always do).