101 Picnic Dishes
Mark Bittman of the New York Times offers a delicious list of 101 picnic dishes that can be prepared in 20 minutes or less. Lots of great ideas.
Lost Metropolis Scenes Rediscovered
After 80 years, missing scenes from German director Fritz Lang's legendary silent film Metropolis have been found in the archive of a museum in Argentina.
London in the 1970s
Great Flickr set of photographs by Bazart, originally taken as reference for paintings and prints. There's also some of Paris in the 1970s, too. Via things magazine.
Edible Googly Eyes!
A practical guide to making edible googly eyes, for special occasions when you'd like your baked goods to look back at you...
Down With Helvetica
Peter Wayner looks at the explosion of custom fonts now available, with some interesting examples of old technology (such as antique block type) mixed with the new. Good links, too.
50 Office-Speak Phrases You Love to Hate
From the BBC — 50 examples of truly cringe-worthy business speak.
Guggenheim Hermitage Museum
A quick look at Zaha Hadid's design for the Guggenheim Hermitage Museum in Vilnius, Lithuania, which looks rather like a landed spaceship. Via arcspace.
Courtroom Sketch Artist
A fascinating look at the career of Andy Austin, a courtroom sketch artist. Very cool. Via Smithsonian Magazine.
The pretty dining area above was photographed by Polly Wreford, discovered on the lovely {this is glamorous} blog.