Hamburg Region + industrial design

Cindy Picks
  • Sculptor Ageli Batle makes beautifully detailed sculptures of natural objects (leaves, shells, horns, feathers — even hands) in graphite that are also usable as pencils.
  • Minimalist sculptor and video artist Richard Serra at Pearson International Airport.
  • Fractal 23, a chest of drawers by Takeshi Miyakawa Design, is an optical wonderland for your woollies.
    Cindy Deachman is a freelance editor and writer who I met last year when she contacted me to do an illustration for Burnt Toast, a great little food culture magazine she started and ran for several years (now sadly no more). The one illustration led to several others which were among the most interesting (and just plain fun) assignments I've ever done. Cindy still keeps in touch with those who've worked with her on the mag with emails of her web finds — quirky stories, objects, or ideas that she's come across and just has to share. Here's a few of her recent discoveries — enjoy. Thanks again, Cindy!