The Japanese term for Muji fanatics is Mujirers, and I think I could easily become one myself. My sweetie is also well on his way to being a Mujirer — he bitterly regretted not getting a Muji aluminum fountain pen when we were in London four years ago (happily they're finally available on this side of the ocean — his sister in New York just sent him one for his birthday).
London-based clothing company with very pretty clothes. Sadly, they don't ship outside the UK, but it's still nice to look. Unfortunately I can't remember whose blog I saw this on... if you know, let me know...
Update: Jane reports that Plumo has shipped stuff to her in Toronto, so looks like I'm (happily) wrong on that!
Women Impressionists Exhibit
Women Impressionists: Berthe Morisot, Mary Cassatt, Eva Gonzalès, Marie Bracquemond runs from June 21 to September 21 at the Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco, who co-organized the exhibition with The Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt. It focuses on the achievements of these four artists through a close examination of their work, assembling 150 watercolours, drawings, oil paintings and prints on loan from numerous international museums and private collections. Looks like a great show.
On the Trail of the Indian Yeti
Curious news story this week about the mande barung (forest man) reputed to live in the remote West Garo hills of the north-eastern state of Meghalaya in India. The mande barung is a little known Indian version of the legendary ape-like creature known in the US as bigfoot, in Canada as sasquatch, in Brazil as mapinguary, in Australia as a yowie, in Indonesia as sajarang gigi and, most famously of all, in Nepal as a yeti.
The wonderful Tastespotting site has sadly run into some sort of legal difficulty at the moment, but in the meantime you can have a look at their new site, dedicated to drinks.
A site dedicated to the pop culture of the past — advertising, design, books, architecture, fashion, toys, photography, transportation, cinema, music, TV and more. Lots of very cool stuff. Via things magazine.
Skin Deep: Cosmetic Safety Database
The Skin Deep website was created as a public service by researchers at the non-profit Environmental Working Group, in response to the worrying fact that the FDA doesn't require skincare/cosmetic companies to test their own products for safety (yikes!). Search their database to find out the toxicity rating of over 25,000 products — and be prepared to clear out your bathroom medicine cabinet and makeup bag. Via Laura (thanks!)
Kareem Rizk
Brilliant collage artist Kareem Rizk (who I blogged about here) now has his very own Etsy shop. Gorgeous and affordable prints.
The lovely photograph above is by Quentin Bacon, via Desire to Inspire.