Want to find out if you're good at deciphering those cryptic paint colour names? Try the Paint Game quiz and see if you know exactly just what shade Peppermint Beach is. Via How About Orange.
Clean Water in a Bag
Architect and professor Eric Olsen was recently awarded Metropolis' Next Generation design prize for the 2008 prize theme of water. Olsen's project was a solar water disinfecting tarpaulin, a lightweight flexible bag designed to both purify water through passive solar radiation as well as making the transport of the (now) clean water easier, too. Via designboom.
Books for Cooks
Apartment Therapy The Kitchen has a great virtual tour of the London bookstore Books for Cooks. Not only can you browse the stacks, but you can find yourself a seat at one of the café tables and sample one of the daily changing light meals cooked up in the open test kitchen in the back. Perfect.
Origami Nesting Boxes
From Martha — how to make origami nesting boxes. The site keeps saying it takes practice, though, so I guess it's a bit tricky at first. But it's a great way to wrap a small oddly shaped gift.
The Vanishing Personal Site
Thoughtful post by Jeffrey Zeldman about how personal websites are increasingly offloading content onto other sites (such as Flickr, Twitter, Ma.gnolia or De.licio.us) and what the future implications may be for those who rely on readership traffic for their sites (or blogs). Via things magazine.
Creative Bookshelves
Rachel of the lovely blog Black Eiffel has a great post about some of the most interesting bookshelves I've seen — be sure to have a look.
Taste Tester: Best Job Ever
Guardian reporter Vicky Frost learns all about the world of the professional taste tester, where people are actually paid to eat chocolate, sample different cheeses or sip champagne.
The Repetitive Graphic Pattern Paperback Book Covers Pool
A Flickr pool devoted to, well, repetitive graphic patterns on paperback books. There are some really beautiful patterns here — I'd love to see some of them reprinted on fabric.
The photo above is by Reid Rolls, discovered on the always wonderful sfgirlbybay.