dear ada
Lovely art blog devoted to painting, sculpture, jewelry, crafts, and other beautiful hand made things. Discovered via Black Eiffel.
Cabinet Magazine
The latest issue of Cabinet Magazine is out, and has (as always) lots of quirky and thought-provoking reading material. Among the articles this time around: The Origins of Cybex Space, Vasectomania, and the Museum of the Dead.
Nathalie Lete
Have a look at the inspiring website of Paris-based artist Nathalie Lete, who works in a huge variety of media (illustration, ceramics, textile and painting, for a start). Poetic naive style, influenced by folk art and children's art. Via Cindy (thanks!)
Style Will Save Us
Subtitled "The Digital Magazine for a Peachy Green Lifestyle," SWSU delivers hip and stylish trends for the eco set. Right now there's an interview with Emily Chalmers, who wrote one of my favourite books — Flea Market Style.
Commercial-free, independent internet radio. Great to listen to while working away at the computer.
The Orphan Works Bill
This is serious news for anyone who is a visual artist in the US. From the New York Times article by Lawrence Lessig: "Congress is considering a major reform of copyright law intended to solve the problem of “orphan works” — those works whose owner cannot be found. This “reform” would be an amazingly onerous and inefficient change, which would unfairly and unnecessarily burden copyright holders with little return to the public." Please read and get informed — and write. A detailed analysis can be found here. Via Design Observer.
Kodomo no Kagaku Magazine
Kodomo no Kagaku ("Science for Kids") was founded in 1924 and is still going strong with a loyal fan base — many continue to read it long after becoming adults, scientists – and even Nobel Prize winners. PingMag has a great article about it, with fun pix, too. Via Artsmonitor.
Reflective Minimalism
Check out the shiniest, whitest apartment in New York. Bring sunglasses. Via Design Observer.
Note: the lovely image above is by Stockholm-based photographer Martin Cederblad.