Pekka Illustration
A Finnish agency devoted to Finnish illustrators. Lovely work. Via Smosch.
Agence eureka
Amazing French blog devoted to vintage illustration, advertising, comics, and all sorts of other fascinating stuff.
Guggenheim Online
The Guggenheim Museum has an interesting online selection of their New York, Venice, Deutsche, and (soon) Bilbao collections, with added commentary and contextual info, too. Definitely worth a browse.
Maple Syrup Love
Aimée of the wonderful Under the High Chair blog has a great post about that great Canadian product: maple syrup. Reading it brought back fond memories of childhood trips to the sugar bush, watching the trees being tapped and eating fresh maple taffy (boiling maple syrup poured directly onto clean snow, then wrapped around a Popsicle stick). Heaven.
Verner Panton Review
Great review of an old Verner Panton retrospective at the Danish Design Center from the arcspace archives. The show is long since gone, but the review gives a nice outline of Panton's work, with some fun photos, too. Fearless use of colour!
You Say Tomarto...
Thought for the week from the Johnson Banks on the types of design out there today. Are you an Aesthetic Neo-Modernist? Gridnik Modernista? Witty Young Fogey? Process Deconstructivist? Find out! Via Design Observer.
The Corners of My Home
A Flickr pool. Lots of eye candy and some great ideas, too. Via the always wonderful sfgirlbybay.
Beautiful furniture shop based in Mexico that sells handcrafted and original designs. The website alone is just gorgeous.
The photograph above is the dining area of the Olde Bell, a modern coaching inn redesigned by Ilse Crawford.