Jane Austen Meets Dr. Who
Times writer David Baddiel writes a light article about Jane Austen that also asks some serious questions about why Austen is portrayed so dismissively in film, when she is in fact a literary heavyweight who pretty much invented the modern novel form. Via the thoughtful dresser.
The Other Night Sky
Fascinating BLDGBLOG article by Geoff Manaugh about all the satellites endlessly circling the planet. I know someone who caught a glimpse of one the other day – he described it as a brief flash in the sky.
Desiree Dolron
Amazing photographer whose work resembles 17th century Dutch painting in the way it is lit and presented. Her subject matter ranges from straightforward portraiture to gritty urban scenes, all with the same amazing light. Via notcot.
David Weeks Studio
Beautiful modern design – especially his lamps. Via the wonderful ill seen, ill said blog.
Christina Perdue
This is the Flickr photostream of professional photographer Christina Perdue. Lovely atmospheric, monochromatic still lifes.
The Paris Review: Interviews
The website of the Paris Review has a nice sampling of interviews from its 60 plus years in existence. Read some frank opinions by Isak Dineson, Truman Capote, Dorothy Parker and Georges Simenon among others.
Container Gardening
How to have a vegetable garden when you're in the city. I like to dream about having fresh tomatoes on hand, but sadly I have a black thumb when it comes to plants. The accompanying photo to this is inspiring.
Fascinating website by Steve Duncan, a Brooklyn-based photographer and urban historian. It's devoted to the forgotten, invisible, and vanishing places in cities — often that have remained unchanged since they were first constructed fifty, a hundred, or a hundred and fifty years ago. He's changing his website over right now – his older one is here.
The light-filled photograph above is by Angie Cao, discovered via Victoria's (of the wonderful sfgirlbybay blog) guest post on Bloesem (also a wonderful blog). And... it's of Victoria's gorgeous apartment!