Hamburg Region + history

Paris, May 1968 in Posters
  • "Return to Normal."
  • “The police post themselves at the School of Fine Arts – the Fine Arts’ students poster the streets.”
  • “Popular power.” The initials of France’s political parties are on the columns of the French parliament.
    Street Posters of the Paris Rebellion is the name of a new exhibition opening tomorrow at the Haywood Project Space in Southbank Centre, London. Curated by Johan Kugelberg (who includes 46 posters from his personal collection), the show is a visual record of a moment in French history when frustration over poverty, unemployment, and de Gaulle's conservative rule led to a mass movement for social change. You can view a gallery of selected posters here. Via Creative Review, which has an excellent outline of the rebellion, plus an interview with Kugelberg, here.