Breakfast Portraits
I've blogged about these before, but photographer Jon Huck's diptychs of people and their breakfasts are well worth a second look. Part still life, part portraiture, and a revealing glimpse into each person, too.
Chip Kidd Interview
Contributing Morning News writer Robert Birnbaum talks to design legend Chip Kidd about his music project, his interest in making movies of his books and whether he likes his job among other things.
Sasha Frere-Jones Blog
Interesting musings by the musician and pop-music critic of The New Yorker.
Lisa Bengtsson Portfolio
Gorgeous illustration and design work by Swedish artist Lisa Bengtsson.
Hotels in the Afterlife
The always wonderful BLDGBLOG has a look at the new photography show by Sabine Haubitz and Stefanie Zoche that opens this week at Vienna's Architekturzentrum. Called Sinai Hotels, it documents the concrete skeletons of five-star hotel complexes abandoned on Egypt's Sinai Peninsula.
Saints by Andrea Heimer
The preview show for artist Andrea Heimer's Icon series is now online at the Bluebottle Art Gallery. Icon is a series of portraits of female patron saints, defined as "people who lived extraordinary lives and were chosen as special protectors over areas of life."
Garbage Architecture
Great site featuring objects, interiors, research and workshops based on recovered waste materials. Imaginative green. Via Cindy (thanks)
Food Shopping in Paris
Apartment Therapy's The Kitchn accompanies Clotilde Dusoulier, who writes the wonderful Chocolate & Zucchini food blog, on a tour of her favourite Paris food shops.
Photo by Stellan Herner, via Skarp Agent, via Desire to Inspire.