Dazzle Cars
Artist Patricia van Lubeck paints cars with eye-popping designs inspired by the "dazzle" camouflage paint technique experimented with by the Allied forces in WWI.
The Bioscope
A website devoted to early and silent cinema. Fascinating and indepth. Via things magazine.
Today's Inspiration
A blog devoted to classic illustration of the 1940s and 1950s, which was a real golden age. Loads of beautiful work, plus lots of info on the illustrators and publications they worked for, too.
Fog Linen Work
Japanese company specializing in beautiful clothes and accessories for you and your home, all made from linen. Lovely products, and the photographs are wonderfully atmospheric, too. Via là.
A favourite blog of mine. Simplyolive is mainly focused on fashion, but also blogs about art, photography, and other lovely things, too.
Get Your Energy Back
Body + Soul magazine has seven fixes for the most common energy zappers, to help you get through the day without relying on lots of strong coffee.
Abandoned Homes
Photoset by Montreal-based guil3433 on Flickr of abandoned houses, mostly in Quebec but some in the US as well. Melancholy but lovely photos — you wonder what the stories are behind these deserted homes. Via Montmartre's Sketchbook.
Dancers of the Casino de Paris
Feeling cheeky? Have a look at Bikini Science's collection of vintage photographs of dancers from the Casino de Paris, circa 1915. Wild and wonderful costumes! Via Little Hokum Rag.
P.S. The lovely image above is by the London-based photographer Katya de Grunwald — it was one of a series commissioned by Elle Decoration. The dark background and tableware reminds me of an old Dutch still life, translated into a modern idiom. Via Desire to Inspire.