This is graphic designer Fabien Barral's online collection of his favourite graphic artists, designers, photographers and artists. Loads of wonderful and inspiring work to be found.
A French clothing company with the most charming dresses you've ever seen. Via the always charming A Cup of Jo.
How to Shop in Paris and Milan
A Telegraph reporter goes clothing shopping with two personal shoppers, one based in Paris, the other in Milan, and discusses her experience. Some good tips!
The Igloo Bookcase Bed
When his friend decided to enclose his bed in an igloo of bookshelves, Akamé documented the process with photos and posted it on Flickr. Could be cosy or claustrophobic, depending on your view... Via Cindy (thanks!)
MoMA Has Designs
A review of the new exhibit, Design and the Elastic Mind, at MoMA.
Europe's First Humans
From the Guardian: "A fossilised jawbone and teeth found in a cave in northern Spain may have belonged to one of the first human ancestors to set foot in western Europe. The hominid has been identified as Homo antecessor, or pioneer man, a possible ancestor of both our own species and Neanderthals. The fossils date from between 1.1m and 1.2m years ago."
Take a moment to support Tibet's efforts to find a peaceful solution to its mounting tensions with China by signing the petition (already at over one million signatures) here.
American Craft Magazine
Etsy and similar sites have contributed to an explosion of hand made crafts, and it's made the traditional craft world sit up and take notice. Via design*sponge.
P.S. The dining room shown here is in Daniela and Garth Paton's home in South Africa. Via Elle Decoration SA.