Hamburg Region + illustration

  • Joanna of A Cup of Jo has included me in her weekly Best of the Blogs post, which is definitely blush-worthy. Thanks, Joanna! If you don't already make a habit of visiting A Cup of Jo, hurry over and have a look now, because it's just wonderful.
    It was particularly lovely to find at the end of a very snowy week here, too — we had 27 centimetres of snow all on Wednesday, and now we're bracing for another 20 or so centimetres today and tomorrow. If this keeps up I'll be looking like this Harper's Bazaar cover illustration by Erté (though I hope somebody checks on me if they find me in a snowbank)...
    Update: Did I say another 20 centimetres? Make that another 30 to 40 centimetres by Saturday night. That's a lot of snow in a very short space of time. I might not make it down the street tomorrow, but right now it's very pretty when viewed from the window of a warm living room...