The library, off the main hallway and opposite the dining area. The shelves are simple planks fixed into the wall with invisible brackets. The ladder is a flea market find, and the chaise longue is by Paul McCobb.
The salon. On the mantelpiece is a collection of marine-themed objects such as coral, driftwood, shells, and an antique tortoiseshell. The Chinese cabinet and the chair by the fireplace are both flea market finds. The miniature chair is by Michèle Oka Doner, and the lamp on the cabinet is by Ingo Maurer.
Two views of the dining area. In the top right you can see the bedroom, discreetly screened off with with a curtain. The entire apartment is painted with a soft neutral that subtly changes colour with the light throughout the day, shifting between almond green, porcelain blue, and flannel grey.
The bedroom. The bedside tables are African stools, and Ted's shirts, hung on pegs, serve as a practical form of wall decoration.
The kitchen. The shelving is simplicity itself, and the meter in the wall becomes as much a display as the pottery on the shelf below. Is is possible to have a crush on someone's home? Ted Muehling's elegantly modern New York apartment, featured here in an issue of Maison Française in the late 1990s, was for years a huge inspiration for me. To me, it's still lovely. (Photos by Christophe Kicherer)