Hamburg Region + travel

Globe and Mail Illustration
  • I have an illustration in today's Globe and Mail, on the front page of the Travel section, for an article about bespoke vacations by Christopher Maughan. Bespoke vacations are essentially customized travel for the posh, for a clientele that likes holidays in exotically remote locations, but with luxurious extras. Quote: "In one case, a client even arranged for a group of Maasai tribesmen to climb down an escarpment to serve his favourite dessert – flaming baked Alaskas." The Globe online version of my illustration is here. Read the story here.
    Update: The newspaper gremlins have been busy again. Though my illustration is (as intended) in full colour on the front of the Travel section online, it's been stuck in the Sports section in black and white in the print version. Guess the AD won't be too pleased when he gets back tomorrow...